Bergs’s work on sustainability
The overall business strategy of the Bergs Group is built on robust decentralisation in which the respective subsidiaries have far-reaching delegated responsibility that encompasses long-term performance and profitability. On the other hand, issues concerning sustainability – including the sustainability strategy – are centralised, binding and non-negotiable. In this regard, Bergs is measured and perceived as a group, and its efforts around these issues have a high priority on the Board of Directors, Group Management and a central function drawn up for the operation. The sustainability strategy is an integral part of the company’s overall strategy. The Group’s sustainability initiatives are led and coordinated by the Group’s Head of Sustainability, who reports directly to Group Management. It must be a living policy document and it must support the management of the subsidiaries in working on continual improvements.
Governance and management
Bergs’s operation is organised into three different areas of production, where the contractor-driven subsidiaries act independently. Bergs’s management model involves a high degree of responsibility with the authorisation to act in accordance with market conditions, with routine monitoring and reporting. Group Management is responsible for monitoring the outcome of the sustainability targets including climate-related targets, risks, and oppor- tunities. Reports on the sustainability initiatives are presented monthly, and outcomes of the sustainability initiatives are reported once a year. The respective subsidiaries pursue their sustainability initiatives in connection with this strategy. They are also responsible for pursuing sustainability initiatives related to customer satisfaction, market- ing initiatives, energy use, and energy optimisation, for example via stakeholder dialogues and routine customer surveys.
Allocation of responsibilities
Board of Directors
- responsibility for sustainability strategy
CEO and Group Management
- CEO and Group Management report to the Board of Directors on issues concerning the sustainability strategy
- CEO and Group Management are measured on the outcomes of sustainability targets
- CEO and Group Management are responsible for implementation of and compliance with the Code of Conduct
Heads of subsidiaries
- Fixed points regarding sustainability issues for subsidiary management teams that are debriefed, monitored and reported to the CEO
- Subsidiary directors are measured on the outcomes of sustainability targets
Head of Sustainability
Responsible for collecting data and ensuring compliance with regulations and decisions concerning environmental topics, safety, responsible value chains and sound business policies.
- Ensures regular reporting from subsidiaries
- Monthly reporting on performance, derogations or other matters of significance to Group Management
- Accident and incident reporting
- GDPR issues
- Ensures compliance with certifications
- Responsible for whistleblowing function