Sustainability at Bergs
What is sustainability for Bergs?
Bergs’s successes depend on its capacity for creating value that fulfils its stakeholders’ wishes and needs for sustainable products while taking into account the economic, environmental, and social consequences in creating these values. Sustainability initiatives at Bergs must therefore be characterised by a long-term perspective. Our ambition is that the effort we make will primarily be of benefit in the processes we can directly influence, but also in our role as an acquirer of raw materials and services linked to our total offering. That is why it is important that our efforts create confidence among our investors, customers and other stakeholders.
Positive basic conditions
Wood is the only renewable building and construction material that moreover binds and stores carbon dioxide throughout its life cycle, which enables a reduced climate impact compared with other construction materials. The combination of creating primarily made-to-order wood products with extremely long service lives with an efficient, industrialised production process with responsible value chains is Bergs’s contribution to sustainable social development. Products that are manufactured and sold by Bergs’s subsidiaries promote long-term sustainable development. Windows and doors that are made to last for generations, and construction components that can replace other materials such as steel, aluminium, plastic and concrete are a few examples of areas where Bergs is creating alternatives that promote sound circular value chains in which resources are used in an optimal manner and where great significance is attached to the work environment, safety and sound business principles. Integrated sustainability initiatives and community involvement go hand in hand with long-term value creation. These permeate every stage from investment calculations, plant establishment, and raw materials procurement to production, marketing, and sales. For Bergs, pursuing its operations sustainably and being a positive force as regards the issues within its sphere of influence are central.

Laws and regulations
We carefully monitor all the various regulations – nationally, in the EU, and at the global level – so that we are prepared for future adaptations and can gradually adapt our reporting to them. We will develop our efforts, primarily as regards the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will become the overall regulation that will also standardise future reporting in order to increase comparability among different companies and sectors. Keys factors to relate to are the perspective of double materiality and dialogues with key stakeholders.